But it feels like Miran has always been here (and maybe, in the most profound way, he has). Well, where are we? Miran is growing like a weed -- still very small indeed, but not nearly as small as he once was. At his one-month check-up today, he weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz. (up from 6 lbs. 8 oz. just over two weeks ago), so clearly mama's milk is doing its job! Miran is exclusively breast fed and, to me, it's a wonder of nature that I could produce anything hearty enough to sustain and grow a whole other human being.
Getting enough rest is still difficult, though easier with my mother-in-law here to lend a hand. Miran has just begun to occasionally sleep for four or five hours at a time (though not always during the night), which is great.
Oh--he's waking up -- more later!
12 years ago